Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Love, games

My brother lamented to me when he first got married that there are few good two-person games. Most fun games are ideally suited for four players.

Risk and Monopoly especially are not made to be played with only two players, at least if these two players have to live and interact with each other once the game is finished. Both games involve the complete obliteration of the opponent while the other has everything. There is no near-winning in two-player Monopoly and Risk; the scales at the end are intentionally unbalanced.

There are some games, however, that are suitable, even enjoyable, for two players. Canasta, for instance, is a fantastic game for two. My favorite way to play is still with four players, but the two-player variation is enjoyable. Stratego is another good two-player game, and ofcourse Pass the pigs.

Happy Birthday to Irna, it's her 20th this year, I wish her all the best in her future undertakings.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Menacing Glare

Do click for a better view, but this was what I received recently from an concern friend. I do not know where to begin. You would think that would be written for me, but it isn't. I'm sure many of you would know now, because news travel fast, faster than the usual internet connection.

Like I mention before, in my older posts, I do loathe social networking sites. You know when you feel something, you will always relate it to a song and currently 'Mario's I don't wanna know' is on repeat in my head.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Holy Mike Ditka!

Okay, I am being lazy. Really lazy. I have all the time in the world to write, but I'm spending it playing Football Manager. And occasionally I go outside to play frisbee. But you get the point. I am useless. I can't even persuade anybody to give me a job. I'm employable. I'm fun to be around. Seriously. I am. Fuck you. I am. But nobody wants to pay me money to work for them. I'm sure there are some companies who would take me on, but I don't want to go back to being a rent-boy again, and I sure as hell ain't working in no McDonald's. Anyway, the point is that I need you snivelling rats to help me get back to writing.

So help me out, and comment some ideas

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Someone voted no? Why?

Well it’s been a while since I updated this so I reckon it’s about time or should I begin ranting on Facebook? Or perhaps cease my ranting in general and merely moan in the direction of friends?
How convenient, just a day after promising the possibility of some kind of mild peril, I was in fact placed in such a situation. I realise that todays events we're particularly mild but no-one can deny that there was peril involved.