Thursday, February 22, 2007

Three Cheers For New Beginnings

I've deleted my old blog and made a new one.

At the moment i'm just living life.. One minute at a time. The blog title is derived from the movie "Fight Club", which is one of the best movies made.
Life can be squeezed out of us in one blink. Sometimes life is more of a struggle. It hits us in waves. I hope to remember it in a dream. Sometimes we live life so passionately, so intensely that it hurts others just to be around us. Other times, we live life on the surface, so superficially that, well, it hurts others just be around us. I believe it is when we allow ourselves to feel the waves of life and experience both the calm waters and the rough waters that we truly find peace. We need to allow ourselves to feel raw emotion. Currently waiting to go back to school, there's nothing left that's holding be back. I will be finishing my degree probably end of this year or early next year. What's next for me? Masters? Work? I haven't decided yet. I've done everything I wanted to do in my lifetime.

* I've bungee-jumped
* I've gone dirtbiking
* I've gone deep-sea fishing
* I've surfed Bali and Australia
* I've partied. Gone Drunk and Sober. Danced my ass off.
* I've loved and loss. Something I have not regretted.
* I've messed up many times.
* I've gotten into accidents. Too many to count.

What else is there to do? Backpacking through Europe? Asia? America? Maybe one day but at the moment i'll take whatever life throws at me. I have been splurging, too much. Now I have earrings and wedding bands that I can't no longer use. It was a bad idea to have it engraved. That I regret. Other things I have splurged on.. Cars? Mp3s? Normal stuff. Stuff I don't really need but want. Some of the cars have been sold though.. The beamers are gone.

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