Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Life and times of R.Nair


that's all for now. Now back to sober-ness..

Just when I thought I would never love again my one and only true love walked back into my life. She means the world to me and I love her so. She is wonderful and sweet, kind and full of joy. I love her and always have but didn't always show it and I let her down in the past but I have learned from my mistakes and my mistakes have made me a better man.

Golliwog, I love you baby and will treat you the way you have always wanted to be treated. I'll be there for you no matter what. I will now listen to you and always work with you not against you. I will hold you love you rspect you and never give you a reason to look back.

All I ask of you is to love me for the man I have become.

All I can say if you really love someone don't give up cause if it was meant to be it will be. And always respect and love each other no matter what.

They say for every good man there is a good woman well I have that woman and I will never give her up.

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