Thursday, August 9, 2007

S > M

Less the entertainment; I humbly bring a path. Everything your mind may come to understand is either false or falsifiable. Everything. To share a sort of political correctness, the foundation of all science is based on this concept. Theory may only be proven false by observation; never true. Some axioms may be true. How can you reach an absolute truth?

Let's take you back; way back, when you were a child. Bring into this hazy picture a wise someone that says to you "Look at this car. You stand at the front of this car wanting only to go back to playing. Then this wise person said to you "There is a muffler." You might say "Liar, that's a car." Until this day you knew the concept of car and not the muffler, you either do not approve hastily or seek openly with this wise man this thing called "Muffler."

Although there appears to be a muffler upon further inspection, both the car and the muffler can be proven false with greater understanding of the design we are captured by and seek within. We find atoms and millions of kingdoms living upon the "Muffler." Oh why call this great expanse merely a "Muffler?" Should not the creator of such a wondrous breadth be given the honor in naming the product? We say "Car;" yet, the parts of the car in sequence of original elemental names are closely the proper monogram. As we were designed to design the car and name the metal beast "Car." We say red. The original color maintains another designation given by the designer of hue and finder of the color range itself. See beyond what your eyes impel.

Today, if someone said "The sun holds a black hole at its center connecting three other stars;" we could only prove false this proposition with the One that created or knew the Designer of the sun. What is design without a Designer?

We perform many tasks with a pre-determined level of complexity as our only guide to confirm a designer is responsible for the design or not. Crypto-analysis, anthropology, and engineering all point toward the path of a human level to understand this concept.

The sun burns hydrogen as fuel. Spinning, throwing plasma along magnetic field-lines that curl then straighten, re-enter its breast; holding 98% of it's original fuel, bequeathing creative light. Much like a car; it needs fuel or perhaps periodic maintenance repair. If matter were the eternal unchanging force required for us to communicate with each other this enormously great day; the hydrogen in the universe would be burned out by now.

Spirit is greater than Matter.
S > M

Only a severe case of narcissistic pride, ignorance, or evil will try to reverse the above equation. There was a begin; in specific, the Primemover. This begin move toward all you may ever interpret is immediately responsible for your eyes scanning this text. Full disclosure of any truth is beyond our reach until the Primemover takes us within His wing. Till that time, my best attempt is realized by seeking the personality of the One who designed our light, practicing with my parents (play creators) for this meeting, or relaxing within my space learning.
What we believe is most important of all; as, our beliefs are directly linked with our future. Believe the end is better than the begin with me.

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